ilias Learning Management System – SCORM Content

Một số lưu ý khi dùng SCORM Content với ilias:

  1. Dùng công cụ xây dựng nội dung ispring, articulate presenter xuất nội dung LMS và phiên bản SCORM 1.2
  2. Zip thư mục vừa publish
  3. Tạo bài học trong ilias với loại bài học là Learning Module Scorm
  4. Chọn file zip vừa mới đóng gói
  5. Thiết lập các tùy chọn cuối và kiểm tra kết quả

Error with Presenter 11 output HTML

Error with Presenter 11 output HTML

Please find the patch for Presenter 11 and Office 2016 HTML5 issue:

  • Download the zip file from drop box, unzip it and save the extracted Presenter.js file on your system.
  • Now go to Presenter installation folder on your system depending upon the OS and PowerPoint architecture:
    • If your OS is 64-bit and PowerPoint is 64-bit, go to  “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Presenter 11.0\Templates\html”
    • If your OS is 64-bit and PowerPoint is 32-bit, go to  “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Presenter 11.0\Templates\html”
    • If your OS is 32-bit and PowerPoint is 32-bit, go to  “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Presenter 11.0\Templates\html”
  • Rename the existing Presenter.js file on your system to some other name like Presenter_old.js
  • Paste the newly extracted Presenter.js which you copied on your system in to the above mentioned respective location on your
  • Re-launch Presenter and again publish the courses you were facing issues with. Issue should be resolved
